Well, my container garden did not succeed. I have some watermelons that are still doing alright, but the beans apparently did not have enough drainage and some of the other plants just never really took off. I got three salads worth of lettuce, a handful of carrots and onions. I will do more research on container gardening and maybe I can have a more successfull late summer crop. Luckily the other family members in ground gardens are doing much better.
I learned to can green beans last weekend with my sister in law, and now I can't wait to get my own canner. I think I will try some water bath canning myself this year (we go through tomatoes like crazy), and then do my own pressure canning next year when the kidlet is old enough to preoccupy herself a bit more so I can babysit the pressure canner. I am also vacuum sealing produce for deep freeze, so hopefully we will be enjoying summer produce way into the winter.
I have been meaning to blog about the grocery game for a bit now, and just have not had a chance. This is a site http://www.thegrocerygame.com/
I am not in any way affiliated with this company, it has just saved me lots on my groceries and thought it may be useful to some one else. Essentially you enter your zip code, and pick your store(s) and every Sunday your stores lists are updated. The lists show you what you can get at a deep discount or even FREE using coupons, and store deals. It tells you where to find your coupons, and what percentage of a discount you get on the item so you can stock up on things you need for cheap. Since starting it, I have routinely gotten $150 of groceries for $75 or less.
The site of course can explain the service better, but I thought I would write about my experience. There is a small fee (it comes out to less than $2 a week for two store lists) but since it does all the work for me and the savings are so large it is worth it for our family.
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